Mycotic lesions of the skin and stratum corneum are extremely unpleasant. But these infections are quite common: omniscient statistics claim that a fifth of humanity has experienced all the "charm" of becoming acquainted with them. One type of pathology is a fungus between the toes, which without the necessary treatment will soon spread to the nails. It will not be easy to cope with it, but deliverance is still possible. Complex therapy will help in the fight against the disease, but it must be carried out patiently and competently.
What is interdigital fungus on the feet and what does it look like?
Three types of fungi cause infections on the fingers: molds, yeasts and dermatophytes. Each of them has their own preferences. Microorganisms of the mold family settle in those areas of the legs where it is warm and humid, so they usually appear where there is already a similar lesion. Yeast fungus does not disdain either nails or skin. Dermatophytes are the most common culprits of mycosis; fungus on the thumb and interdigital pathology are their "specialization. "What all species have in common is a preference for heat and high humidity.
The symptoms of the fungus in the initial stage are quite mild. It can be suspected if the following signs are present:
- cracks that suddenly appear on the foot and in the toes, most often the medical history begins with the little toe;
- the skin around the cracks peels off;
- slight itching, disappearing without a trace after hygiene procedures.
When the fungus begins to actively multiply, the symptoms can no longer be ignored: red spots appear, intense peeling, burning and itching are possible. The occurrence of bubbles with transparent contents cannot be ruled out. As the cracks deepen, they become erosions. The inflammatory process leads to tissue swelling.

If this period is ignored, then the advanced stage of the fungus begins:
- transparent blisters between the fingers turn into ulcers that burst, forming wounds;
- itching, burning intensify, intense pain appears;
- Mycosis, having spread to the nails, begins to destroy them.
It is no longer possible to ignore such symptoms. Going to the doctor becomes the only option to regain health.
Causes of interdigital mycosis
The fungus between the toes has no shortage of victims; on the contrary, the number of infected people is even growing. The reason for this sad picture is ignorance of hygiene rules. Since these pathogenic organisms love high humidity and heat, and their entry points are skin wounds, the risk increases if there are the following factors:
- visiting public places where a person walks barefoot or uses other people's shoes, towels or washcloths;
- tight shoes leading to microtraumas;
- excessive sweating coupled with a careless attitude to hygiene procedures;
- decreased immunity;
- varicose veins;
- hormonal imbalance;
- dysbiosis.
Danger of mycotic infection
Some people don't think that foot fungus is a serious problem. But this opinion is wrong. The greatest danger is the chronic form of the disease, which leads to nail damage, which in itself greatly affects the quality of life. A person with mycosis is a source of infection that can "reward" the whole family, and a fungus between the toes of a child or an elderly person is fraught with big health problems.
If the disease is left to chance, the body will suffer from toxins that are formed as a result of the activity of fungi. Fungal infections in some cases provoke severe allergic reactions. Against the background of mycosis, immunity is suppressed, which is especially dangerous for children and the elderly. As a result, a "non-serious" disease will lead to the penetration of many other infections - bacterial or viral - with consequences of varying degrees of severity.
How to treat toe fungus
Not everyone can get rid of fungus quickly, so it’s better to prepare in advance for a long battle. Therapy is usually carried out at home, so first you need to undergo an examination to discover the true culprit. After determining it, the doctor (dermatologist or mycologist) will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.
An infection that has reached an advanced stage requires oral medications. For this type of therapy, effective antifungal tablets and capsules are used to help get rid of the scourge quite quickly.
- The drug from the allylamine group is most often prescribed. He copes with fungus on the finger in 3-4 weeks. The maximum daily dose is 250 mg.
- A triazole derivative is the next broad-spectrum drug. Its intake is limited to two tablets per day. It is required to complete two two-week courses, with a 21-day break between them.
- The product of the triazole group is capsules used for a variety of skin diseases. The drug also helps against fungus on the feet between the toes. There are 2 options for taking it: either once a day, 50 mg, or once a week, but immediately 150 mg. The course of therapy is 4-6 weeks.
Oral medications must be supplemented with medications for external use - creams or ointments. They are the first answer to the question of how to get rid of toe fungus. Local remedies are numerous, and their costs vary.

All ointments will be effective if one condition is met: the feet must first be steamed in a soap and soda solution, then dried thoroughly.
- The imidazole derivative is the leader of the sympathies of those who decided to destroy foot fungus at home. The reason is efficiency and reasonable price. The drug is applied to clean fingers and nails 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is individual, it is controlled by a doctor. After symptoms disappear, it is recommended to continue treatment for 2 weeks or more.
- A product from the group of imidazoles is used twice a day, the duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks, but in advanced cases it is necessary to apply the composition for several more days. When fungus has spread to the nails, compresses are made from ointment.
- Cream from the allylamine group is also in the category of external products. The active ingredient is the substance that gives the cream its name. The cream is applied 1-2 times a day; if the feet are affected, the application period is up to 4 weeks. If the nail plates are already affected by mycosis, it is recommended to treat the feet for 3 to 6 months.
The main rule is regularity of procedures and adherence to prescribed deadlines. In other cases, treatment may become ineffective.
This folk treatment for fungus between the toes at home will not take much time, but will provide an effect if the stage of mycosis is easily curable.
- Coffee.For the procedure you will need ground coffee: 10 tbsp. l. pour 2 liters of boiling water. When the "drink" has cooled, lower your feet into it. It is allowed to take coffee foot baths twice a day.
- Sagebrush.To prepare, take a liter of boiling water and 150 g of herbs. Prepare the decoction in a water bath for 30 minutes. The duration of the procedure is at least half an hour.
- Boric acid- a well-known remedy for fungus between the fingers. For the bath, take 40 g of powder, which dissolves in water (50-60 °C). There is no need to overuse the procedure; do it 2-3 times a week.
- Salt and soda. Pour warm water into a container, add 1 tbsp. l. sodium chloride and carbonate. Keep your feet in the bath for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
- Celandine.2 tbsp. l. pour the herbs with a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid, and wait to cool to room temperature. The duration of the procedure should be at least a quarter of an hour.
These procedures do not always help and not everyone. This feature is inherent not only in folk methods. But this does not mean that you should give up: there are many ways to cure fungus between your fingers.
This type of treatment is good because the drugs remain on the affected areas for a long time, because many of them are recommended to be kept overnight. The following folk remedies are recommended in this category:
- Propolis.An alcohol tincture is used for the compress. Cotton is moistened in it, which is then fixed between the fingers. The procedures last for a week and a half.
- Birch tar.Before applying the composition, the feet are well steamed and cleaned of dead skin. Dry feet are lubricated with tar, the space between the toes is especially carefully treated. This compress is kept for at least an hour, then the excess tar is removed with a napkin. It is forbidden to wash your feet for 2 days. The total number of procedures is 4-5 times.
- Garliccrushed, then mixed with salt. Garlic compresses should not be left on for too long. The product is left for 1-2 hours.
- Ammonia.Take 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. Then a piece of gauze is soaked in the solution and wrapped around the foot. A bag is put on top and a sock on it. About 8-10 procedures need to be performed.
- Onionas effective as garlic. Only in this case is juice used. The compresses are left overnight. If the skin between your fingers becomes wet and a strong burning sensation bothers you, you can mix the juice with Vaseline in equal proportions.
To achieve success, the complex treatment of interdigital fungus on the feet also includes physiotherapeutic procedures:
- Ozone therapy.This procedure significantly accelerates the growth of a healthy nail when the disease is severely advanced. During the procedure, both the plate and the skin are saturated with ozone and oxygen, and this stimulates nail growth, simultaneously destroying the fungal infection. Not only fungus on the skin of the toes, but also absolutely all types of mycoses are successfully cured.
- Laser treatment.During this operation, only those cells in which the fungus has settled are destroyed. The course of therapy includes 4-10 procedures. No preliminary preparation is required, but parallel drug treatment is necessary.
To successfully defeat finger fungus, it is important to change your diet.
Some foods in the diet must be either completely excluded or their consumption greatly limited. These include:
- alcoholic drinks;
- confectionery, flour products;
- fermented milk products that contain sugar;
- sweets;
- sausages;
- canned food;
- smoked meats;
- meat;
- semi-finished products.
The following are allowed:
- cereals (only semolina and rice are excluded);
- coffee;
- dairy and fermented milk products without sugar;
- seafood;
- vegetables, greens;
- nuts, seeds;
- boiled fish;
- butter and vegetable oil;
- tea;
- eggs.
How to prevent the disease from recurring
In order for mycosis of the toes to disappear forever, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Wear shoes that fit your feet to avoid injury to your toes. It is better to give preference to natural materials. Frequent disinfection of shoes is necessary.
- After public places, feet need preventive measures: they should be washed and lubricated with lemon juice, and much attention should be paid to the toes.
- Changing socks daily is a must. It is better to opt for cotton products.
- It is prohibited to exchange shoes and linen, or use other people's towels and pedicure items.
- Strengthening the immune system is a priority, so your diet should always include fruits, juices and vegetables.
To care for your skin and toenails, it is recommended to have a pedicure every month and a half.